
Our Process

Building Information Modeling

Prefarch adopts an interoperable approach that considers the entire life cycle of architectural work because we know that only through the integration of design and construction processes is possible to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability.
So the project is processed using BIM (building information modeling) procedures
for the 3D model development that contains parametric, geographical, geometrical, physical and mechanical information that allow to visualize and simulate performance and “conduct” of the project before its implementation ensuring the  time control and construction cost.

The architectural work is the result of the certified components assembly industrially produced instead of the traditional construction site according to the craft logic ensuring precision, cerain times and performance monitoring.
The prefabricated building components can be replaced, finish and performance updated as a function of maintenance plans and regulatory requirements of new efficiency (energy, earthquake, etc.) while the upgrade in the traditional buildings only happens through demolitions or adding layers.

1 programmazione

1 Programming

• Requirements analysis and building performance analysis
• Strategic planning

2 Conceptual design

• Preliminary integrated design
• Physical behavior simulations
(comfort, natural ventilation, heating, Natural light / artificial, acoustic)
• Timeline and budget summary
• Rendering and video animations

2 conceptual design
3 progettazione

3 Design

• Integrated design for issuing permits
• Executive design of building systems
(structural components, plant, External and internal envelope, furnishings )
• Simulation of energy performance achieved
• Analysis 4d_ times
• Analysis 5d_ cost

4 Industrial Manufacturing

• Serial production of components
• Transport on the building site

4 fabbricazione
5 costruzione

5 Construction

• Site preparation
• Dry assembly of components
• Controlling and monitoring of time and cost

6 Management

• Systems and components maintenance
(structure, plant, envelope, furnishing)

6 gestione
7 recycling

7 Recycling

• Extension of life cycle